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2002 Oklahoma
Game Warden of the Year

Game Warden II Curtis Latham has been selected as the 2002 Game Warden of the Year and the Shikar Safari Officer of the Year. Latham is stationed in the 4th District in Johnston County and has worked for the law enforcement division for 10 years with his first assignment in District 6 in Cotton County. His patrol area is a diverse area including the Blue River Public Hunting and Fishing Area and Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. Latham has a Bachelor of Science degree from Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Wildlife Conservation. Latham was nominated for the award by Capt. Trent Hodgins, district chief of District 4.

In his nomination for the award, his supervisor's noted his outstanding service to the people of Oklahoma. GW Latham's activity spanned the whole spectrum required of a modern day wildlife law enforcement officer. Among his accomplishments were 22 programs to various youth and civic groups including a fishing clinic which had 875 participants. He also annually runs the gun range at Slippery Falls Scout Camp qualifying approximately 200 scouts for merit badges each year.

Latham has an annual arrest level of between 100 and 120 arrests including several narcotics cases, and has an excellent working relationship with the sheriff's office and federal refuge officers. This has included coordinating manhunts in rural parts of the county and searching for lost hunters and assisting with other law enforcement functions. Latham also annually assists other department divisions with a variety of projects.

Highlights of GW Latham's law enforcement effort this past year include an exceptional fish shocking case. GW Latham arrested 12 individuals in three boats and obtained convictions on all 12 subjects. He also an illegal elk case that made headlines throughout the area. Latham's supervisors also mentioned his ability to prepare excellent reports, both case related and department reports, and his high professional standards. GW Latham has demonstrated his abilities over a number of years as he has been nominated for this award on two previous occasions.



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