Good Ole Boys
6y Pawnee County Warden Jamie Cole
As Game Warden's we deal mainly with the good old
boys that like to hunt and fish. However there are times when the
good old boy isn't all he appears on the surface. More
and more Game Wardens are running into hunters and fishermen that
are using or in possession of controlled dangerous substances.
This past summer I dealt with five Fishermen that
were in possession of marijuana, and found methamphetamine lab
that was discarded on a Wildlife Management Area.
Each year Game Wardens across the state find marijuana plants
growing on property managed by the Wildlife Department. One thing
I have noticed lately is the use of Wildlife parts in
the drug culture. On several occasions I have been
called by law enforcement agencies serving arch warrants to identify
different types of bird feathers parts of wildlife
found in the residences. Feathers are often woven into dream catchers,
used in fans, or tied to smoking pipes like we see
in the western movies. On two Occasions I was called to
identify hawk and owl talons and use of deer antlers to make marijuana
pipes. These pipes come in different styles. Some pipes are made
entirely of deer antler,
others just the bowl being made from antler. As we go about our
routine duties, keep in mind that there are those individuals that
seek solitude in the great outdoors for illegal purposes and though
they may look like a good old boys we must keep on our guard.